We know next to nothing about virtually everything. It is not necessary to know the origin of the universe; it is necessary to want to know. Civilization depends not on any particular knowledge, but on the disposition to crave knowledge.
George F. Will
Carl Sagan ve Marihuana Üzerine
Bu makale, 1971'de yayımlanan Marihuana Reconsidered (Marihuana Gözden Geçirildi) adlı kitap için 1969 yılında yazıldı. Sagan o yıllarda...

13 Eylül 2013 Cuma
11 Eylül 2013 Çarşamba
The magnificent here and now of life in the flesh is ours, and ours alone, and ours only for a time. We ought to dance with rapture that we should be alive and in the flesh, and part of the living, incarnate cosmos. I am part of the sun as my eye is part of me. That I am part of the earth my feet know perfectly, and my blood is part of the sea. My soul knows that I am part of the human race, my soul is an organic part of the great human soul, as my spirit is part of my nation. In my own very self, I am part of my family. There is nothing of me that is alone and absolute except my mind, and we shall find that the mind has no existence by itself, it is only the glitter of the sun on the surface of the waters.
D. H. Lawrence
1 Eylül 2013 Pazar
Bazen nereye baksam olumsuzluk, kararsızlık, mutsuzluk görüyorum. Her yer çıkmaz sokaklarla dolu gibi. Normalde iyi ruh hâliyle yaptığım şeyler bile tekdüze, hatta korkunç gelmeye başlıyor. Hayatımdan sıkılıyorum. Hayatımda olmayandan bile sıkılıyorum.
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